Important Safety Information

kart safety


• When exiting the track, drivers must signal to other drivers by raising their arm prior to slowing down.
• When stopping in the pit area after a race, remain in your kart and await instruction from a marshal.
• If you spin your kart, do not attempt to push it yourself, remain in the kart and wait for a marshal.
• Do not use both pedals at the same time (double pedaling). Keep your foot off the brake pedal when accelerating and vice-versa.

Track Rules

• You must obey flags and marshals’ instructions at all times.
• Karting is a non-contact sport. Repeated or deliberate bumping/pushing is considered dangerous driving.
• Do not overtake down the inside of a corner unless you are ahead or level with the outer kart before turning in to the corner. Otherwise, you may hit the kart side-on as it turns in to the corner.
• Do not cut in to the pit lane (entrance or exit section) when racing.


Yellow Flag
Caution, there is a possible problem on the track – for example a kart may have spun. You must slow down to walking speed, do not overtake, proceed with caution and be alert!

Black and White Diagonal Flag
This is a warning to a specific driver that their track conduct is causing concern (breaking the track rules) and the driver may be black flagged on further reports.

Red Flag
The race has stopped. Come to a safe, complete stop and wait for instruction from the marshals.

Chequered Flag
The race has ended. Shown first to the winner, and then to every car to cross the line behind them. After passing the start-finish line slow down and proceed to the pits.


• For fire safety, smoking is not allowed in the pits or on the track.
• No alcohol or drugs are permitted before or during a race.
• We reserve the right to refuse admission and implement bans.
• The race directors decision is final.
• Drivers must be 16+ years of age.

Personal Safety Equipment

• Recommended footwear: trainers or soft shoes.
• Helmets are provided (you may bring your own – it must have a visor fitted.)
• Racing suits are provided for dry and wet weather racing (adults only, children must wear appropriate clothing).
• Protective gloves are provided.

blackpool best karting track